Donnerstag, 27. August 2009

*artists cannot fail. it's a success to be one*

katharina fritsch at the "KUNSTHAUS ZÜRICH":

Today I went to the "kunsthaus zürich" with my mom, to see katharina fritsch's exhibition there. i know her art, because we dealt with her at university and i've seen some very cool and provocative stuff of her. so i was very curious to see some new sculptures and photos at this place....and i really was impressed of them all. Her art is very special and provocative. she plays with reigious and natural prototypes and changes them into a kind of artificial and sometimes ridicilous way. i really love the fact, that she deals with a lot of different and effective colours, which are never expected in the way they were i really like to show u some of the masterpieces i've seen, but it's so hard to convey the effect this sculptures have to viewers with their colour,material and hights in combination with the colourfully arranged photos in the when you look at the pictures, you have to play with your imagination....because most of the sculptures(for ex. the elephant)are extremely huge!

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